Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Love Intervenes

Heavy on my heart has been this question, related to a loved one surrendering to deep sin: What am I to do?

Our culture - even our Christian culture - is so hands off, so timid, so afraid of coming across as judgmental, so afraid of being ineffective, that we leave a fellow-believer wallowing in the muck and mud of their sin.

Why confront, you might say? We can’t change them, can’t make them shed their sin and walk in righteousness. So why bother?

But how can we watch them on a path that is destructive for their very soul and not try to intervene? Rescue?

You intervene because you love them. You intervene because you love God. And you intervene because willful sin spits on Christ and His sacrifice for their sin.

Granted, you might not change them. It’s true, you might lose the relationship. But are you willing to be used of God as a tool for restoration, to bring them back to a right relationship with God and others?

Love intervenes. Love speaks out. Love speaks truth. We have the words of LIFE - are we ashamed of them? Shine the light of TRUTH into their life. Be a signpost in their headlong rush towards destruction that shouts NO. STOP. BEWARE.

A person caught in sin, especially sexual sin, is blind to their sin. They don’t see clearly, they rationalize their behavior. Who knows how God might use your words of God’s truth to bring them up short and cause them to stop and think. Trust God to be responsible to use His words as He sees fit. His word is a sharp sword, piercing, and able to get right at the heart.

“Brothers, if someone is caught (ensnared) in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently…. Carry each other’s burdens.” Gal 6:1-2

“Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful (trustworthy) are the wounds of a friend…” Prov. 27:5-6

“If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” Luke 17: 3

“My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” James 5:19-20

Key to this process is maintaining a loving attitude and a spirit of gentleness. Man’s anger does not accomplish the good work of God. Man’s anger interferes and clouds the water and does not bring about good fruit. Man’s anger shuts the door and plugs the ears. Keep your own frustration and anger out of it.

Pity them in their lost and dark place. They are caught in a web unable to extricate themselves. Ensnared. Trapped. Proverbs says that the unfaithful are trapped by their evil desires. (11:6) They might think they are in a place of great freedom and happiness. But that is a lie of the devil who is out to slay their soul. And we know better - we know what God’s word says.

Reach out with the hands of love to someone you know who is not walking uprightly with Christ, someone who is caught in a sinful lifestyle. Do not stay on the sidelines and watch their destruction.

We are our brother’s keeper. Real love, tough love, is willing to speak unwelcome truth - real love is willing to get down in the trenches and get dirty as we reach out to grasp a hold of their hand and pull them out.


Anonymous said...

I know you are right. I admire your desire to rescue her from destruction. I will pray. Mom