Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Small Time Blessings

What gives you joy? What warms your heart and nourishes your soul? What causes cozy snuggle down feelings of comfortableness and peace?

Open your eyes and heart to the small soul pleasures, those things that lighten your heart and lift your soul up in gratefulness to the Lord. Sometimes we need to look for them purposefully.

I tell my writing students to develop eyes that really SEE, to be astute observers of beauty and life. Be a detective pursuing clues of God's goodness-es to us in this life. They are there.

Remember one of my theme verses for this blog? "...I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

If there is one thing I know, you and I are surely in the land of the living. And another thing I know - the Lord is GOOD. So believe and look.

What truly is loads of fun is making your own list of blessings. You saw a partial list of mine yesterday. A couple of you friends mentioned doing that for yourself - I say go for it.

Here are a few more pleasures I love: color, girl friends, coffee dates, deep spiritual books, journaling, hugs, romantic (clean) movies, chocolate, a sweet conversation with one of my girls... and the list goes on, forever really.

You will see how many dozens of things come to mind when you really think about what gives you joy. Have fun.

When you are feeling down, stressed, burdened at work, exhausted with responsibilities, this is a wonderful time to purposefully surround yourself with as many little joy givers as you can. This may sound like total immersion in self, but believe me, looking for blessings lifts our eyes up out of the doldrums, out of the slough of despond, and helps us see more clearly how truly blessed we are. There are many 'feelings' that can pull us down - well, take your feelings in hand and speak truth to them. The truth that your life is actually full, absolutely cup-overflowingly full of many richness-es and goodness-es.

Cultivate eyes that see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


Anonymous said...

As is so often true, our feelings and outlook on life are a matter of choice. Choosing rightly takes discipline, but, oh my, the rewards are great. Mom

Anonymous said...

And, to add to the list of blessings: one adorable daughter who occasionally cooks and cleans. ;)


Anonymous said...

Vicky, you couldn't ask for a better daughter, could you?=)I so love her too!!

I did that project, writing of the things in life that give me joy. So, often it is the simple things in life. Great exercise to do, and we do often dont stop and see how blessed we are in so many ways.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so I think i get it! Vicky didn't write that comment, Holly did?? Oops...well your mother would too!