Saturday, June 5, 2010

Morning Walks

My early morning walks take me through the blueberry fields surrounding our house in the country. The early morning crisp dew-wet grass and the tangy fresh smell of green things is so delightful and fragrant to my soul. Rounded, soft hills surround me, and red barns, distant secluded houses nestled in trees, and crops with their various colors of soft green and pale yellow create a patchwork of such lovely design.

Birds sing and flit about and watch me warily as I walk along past their nesting places. Killdeer, robins, cowbirds, yellow finches, red-tail hawks, starlings and sparrows all dance and hop around in the joy of fresh morning. Birds always fill my heart with singing.

I filled the bird feeders yesterday for the first time this spring. The incessant rain clouded over my realization that we are well into spring and even beginning early summer; you sure couldn't tell by the weather. Red house finches and yellow finches discovered the feeders by late morning. I'm always amazed by how quickly the news travels to the other birds. They must have quite a chatty system going.

This summer we have about 7 hanging baskets of flowers in the front and back yards. Ruby throated humming birds are prolific this year - yea.

Well, I really have nothing profound to say in this post except that I was so filled up with joy in the Lord as I beheld His beautiful creation this morning. I think part of the joy was seeing the sun for the first time in weeks. I generally do not mind the rain, but enough is enough already, and it is amazing what a little sunshine will do to lift one's heart aloft in happiness.