Monday, June 21, 2010

Ashamed to be a Woman

Today I was ashamed to be a woman. What is the matter with our sex?

I watched a woman shopping through Winco grocery store, berating her husband who was seated in a motorized wheelchair. "Why didn't you follow me?" "Get out of my way." "Move over." "Hurry up." "Come ON." He couldn't do anything right - and she lambasted him with full venom.

I wish I could post a picture of her pinched and angry face. I wish I could remember all of her words. I wish I'd been brave enough to confront her....

She disrespected her husband. She talked down to him. She belittled him. She acted exasperated, impatient, short, and clipped. She was a monster on a mission, and that mission did not include kindness and gentleness to the man she had chosen as her life-time partner and husband. The man she'd chosen to love, honor, and respect. Not.

As believers in Christ, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior. This is walking in the flesh personified. It is ugly. And we all do it - at one time or another, in one way or another. (If the shoe doesn't fit, feel no obligation to wear it; but I know for myself that there are times I can be just as ugly in my behavior.)

God has uniquely gifted men and women to fulfill their God-given roles in life. What is it with us women that we feel that our perspective, our 'way-of-seeing' is the only right way? The obviously for-sure only right perspective? We do not tend to value the male outlook. The male-ish angle on things. We should.

But, who made men, anyway? Who is it that fit them out and equipped them uniquely for their role as head of the family and leaders of churches and businesses? God did. And I just sorta think He probably knew what He was about. Or, are men just one big blooper by God Most HIgh and Glorious? I don't think so.

We have a different view of things - a feminine view of things. It is different - but not inherently 'right.' Remember that and give grace. Be kind. Be patient. And remember that walking in holiness and right-living includes how we treat our men.

And remember, too, that somebody could be watching and writing a blog post in their head as they follow you down the aisle. ;O] Beware....

That's all. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now.


Anonymous said...

Ouch -- the show is pinching me. Mom